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Programming with POSIX threads pdf download

Programming with POSIX threads. David R. Butenhof

Programming with POSIX threads

ISBN: 0201633922,9780201633924 | 398 pages | 10 Mb

Download Programming with POSIX threads

Programming with POSIX threads David R. Butenhof
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

To support POSIX Threads Programming: What threads give you is the ability for your program to do more than one thing at once . Readers must also understand basic concurrent programming and be familiar with one or more threading methods, preferably OpenMP*, POSIX threads (also referred to as Pthreads), or the Win32* threading API. A C++ Thread Pool Implementation Using POSIX Threads. It was primarily created to support Java development but was later extended to support other programming languages. Threads are very useful but potentially very tricky constructs in computer programming. Attempts to show how the library s features can be used in quot real-life quot programs It explains the different tools defined by the library shows how to use. They are also generally hard to get right. The problem with threads is the It turns out that POSIX Threads, Mach Threads, Windows Threads, Java Threads, and C# Threads all work very much the same, since they're all implemented in more or less the same way. SMP机器中实现并行常见的做法就是使用threads, hardware vendors有自己的threads实现,但是给程序移植带来很大问题。于是,对于UNIX系统来说,IEEE POSIX 1003.1c标准出台,这就是POSIX Threads -- pthread 2. Every modern operating system has support for threads, and most programming environments provide some level of support for threading.

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